EU Parliament: new directive for the plastic goods reduction
The European Parliament has approved at October 24th the new proposal of directive related to the ban to specific plastic good. The proposal includes specific provisions [...]
Best Practices for Offshore Wind Facilities
Hydrocarbon offshore exploitation and wind farms installation could present several impacts on marine species, so the BOEM (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management), has recently published the [...]
End of Waste status for Rubber and bituminous conglomerate
The Italian Ministry of the Environment sent to the relevant European Commission General Directorate two new ministerial End of Waste decree ...
New Legislation on atmosphere emission in Italy
On December, 19th came into force the new Decree n. 183/2017 (Published in the Italian Official Gazette on December 16th, 2017).
Final draft of the new BREF document on waste treatment available
The final draft of the new BREF document on waste treatment has been made available to the public by the end of October 2017.