Biomethane as End of Waste – Lazio follows the example of Lombardy
The famous judgment of Administrative High Court (Consiglio di Stato) n. 1229/2018 on end of waste status for material recovered from nappies using a case by [...]
Judgment of the European Court of Justice regarding incineration plants
Waste incineration plants are considered strategic plants and compliant with the waste hierarchy. The ECJ issued the sentence (;jsessionid=BC80B4DC31FA47053B05F75DD5FF9A27?text=&docid=213860&pageIndex=0&doclang=IT&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=6541383) relative to the appeal presented by some [...]
Restriction proposal for microplastics
The term “microplastic” identifies all the particles with a dimension lower than 5 mm, composed by plastic polimer that can’t be (bio)degradated. The microplastics represent a [...]
The new Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/636 updates the list of POPs
The Regulation (EU) n. 636/2019 published at April 23rd , 2019 has modified the Regulation (EC) n. 850/2004 on Persistent Organic Pollutants introducing the substance pentachlorophenol [...]
New European Court of Justice Judgment on hazardous waste classification
The European Court of Justice has published the Judgment number C-487/17 and C-489/17 in relation to application of precaution principle to hazardous classification. During 2017 the Rome [...]
Approval of the new model for the annual waste declaration for the year 2019
The Decree of Presidency of Council of Ministries that defines the models for the annual waste declariation (aka MUD) has been pubblished on Italian Official Gazzette on [...]